Kadochi Breaks Up With His Long Term Girlfriend – Miyanda

Kadochi Breaks Up With His Long Term Girlfriend – Miyanda

Kadochi wrote,

I did so many things in my past that I ain’t really proud of 😔💔 but it’s okay nivi life che we learn and we grow through those mistakes 💪 this next chapter of my life won’t be easy but I know I will make it ✨I’ve always been a fighter since day one 🙌🏻
My past life has costed my relationship and I honestly wish I could change my past but I can’t 💔
it will get a little bit lonely for now but eventually it will get better and I will smile again 😊🙏🏻
Yango is red
Red for love
Love is yango ❤️
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Wilson is a raw determined person, Bookworm, Entrepreneur with Keen Brains and holds a grate knowledge about computers.

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