DJ Rhys leaves New Age Entertainments…….

DJ Rhys leaves New Age Entertainments…….
DJ Rhys wrote,
The Last 1 year+ has been an amazing journey, an absolutely significant
stride in the Discovery and evolution of myself as a person and brand,
none of which would have been possible without the extraordinary
support of NEW AGE ENTERTAINMENT which stood as my record label
and family.
I Take This Time To Announce The NON RENEWAL OF My Contract &
Departure From The NEW AGE ENTERTAINMENT Management & Label
NEW AGE ENTERTAINMENT will always be a strong pillar in my career and
so it comes as no easy task to have to announce my departure from the
label. Both parties have amicably consented with continuous support for
each other to part ways moving forward.
The NEW AGE ENTERTAINMENT has been absolutely delightful and a
blessing and I am glad we still hold our relationship regardless of our
decision to part ways. I am eternally grateful. In this regard kindly note
that, All bookings and business enquiries should be thus communicated
through my official channels, ie my official business email, the new
management number and my social media handles.
A heartfelt thank you to Harry “Hmac” Mwanza, you will always be a big
brother, to the entire Management and my label mates, you have been
amazing and I couldn’t have wished for a better foundation and launch
pad for my career.
Thank You