No One Chooses To Be In Prison – Says B Flow

Zambian based artist – B Flow visits Chimbokaila Prison and gives out the little knowledge to the victims.

Here is what B Flow had to say.

Before I sang for my mothers and sisters at Chimbokaila Correctional Facility, I made it clear to them that we decided to visit and eat with them because we love them. I asked them to feel free to get up and dance with us because we did not go there to judge them but to entertain them in the spirit of Christmas.

Thanks to Andre Entertainments for initiating the annual Prison visit which started in 2016. Next year, we plan to visit Katombora in Livingstone on Youth Day and Mwembeshi Correctional Facility on Christmas Day.

I invite all of you to partner with us in making donations to mothers, babies, men and youth who are in prison. Love is the greatest gift you can ever give to a fellow human being. Remember, we are all members of one society and anyone can be a prisoner some day. We need each other; one Zambia, One Nation.

Special thanks to everyone that made donations, including those who joined us because your presence there made a huge difference. Some of you may not have had the chance to be there, for various reasons, but your wishes and prayers are highly appreciated.

Looking forward to visiting a few more places this festive season.

Mathew 25:35-36; “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’’



Wilson is a raw determined person, Bookworm, Entrepreneur with Keen Brains and holds a grate knowledge about computers.

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