West Kopala Boss – Don Kapandula Tests Positive For Covid-19

West Kopala Boss – Don Kapandula Test Positive For Covid-19
Copperbelt based artiste/jerabo – Don Kapandula tests positive for Covid-19, the incidence happened after the jerabo took a step to find out at what status was he standing…. whether at risk or light considering the fact that one of his colleagues tested positive for Covid-19 a week before.
Don kapandula confirms being Covid-19 positive after the ZPU team jump in to dig more information about the case, he later on emphasized every Zambian to politely follow the given measures to cut down the virus.
More evidence in a WhatsApp VN below, from Don Kapandula to an anonymous submitter to Zedpushup Ltd.
Stay safe, Covid-19 is real……………..