Superboy – Smogy Trey leaves SBM music to ride as a solo artist…………

Superboy – Smogy Trey leaves SBM music to ride as a solo artist…………

Smogy Trey wrote,
Greetings to you my Fans, Followers, Family, Friends and the rest of the world.
Allow me to first appreciate you all, for the Love and Support that you’ve shown me and my music, some of you have been following My Page (this Page) since 2018 and the bond we created (You and I) is unbreakable, so I think it is best that you how we are moving as #TeamSmogy.
I have not dropped any Music from the time I released #KWATU(Hip-Hop) last year, November up to now.
“SKULBOYMUSIC” Has always been my home (y’all know) but, It is so unfortunate to announce to you all that I AM NO LONGER PART OF Label any more (@SkulBoyMusic.)
I was excluded in the group few weeks ago without getting informed about it, No one from the label has contacted me to find out how am moving, what’s going on, why am mute…etc. The reason to all this is still unknown and am looking forward to know if possible.
I wish the Team all the best, they’re still my family and I have no Bad Energy against them.
Last but not the least I would like to edge my fans to have patience and continue supporting my Music as am going to announce the release date of new content soon. Keep in touch and stay blessed.
The BAD’GUY as usual


Wilson is a raw determined person, Bookworm, Entrepreneur with Keen Brains and holds a grate knowledge about computers.

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